
List of University Courses

Course Code: EGH1310
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Pass Level 4
Course Description: This course is intended for the students willing to go to develop and improve their skills in expository English writing. It focuses on the writing process which covers organization, structure and development of types of paragraphs. It is also focuses on structure, outline and unity and coherence of essays. In the end of the course APA format will be introduced briefly.
Course Code: EGH1311
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Academic English I
Course Description: This course is designed for students who have already pass Academic English I. It is further develop the academic skills that the students acquired in the previous course.The main focus of the course will be on academic writing. The first part of the course is to introduce the students to different types of academic essays. The students need to utilize their writing skills that they have already learned in the previous course, which focus on writing a paragraph and the structure of an essay. The course will start with are view of how to structure an essay. Then it will move to different types of essays. These essays are: problem-solving, comparing and contrasting argumentative, persuasive and expository. Each type of the essays will be practiced with students by giving them an example of that type which will be also used as a reading comprehension activily. The second part of the course will introduce the students to writing a research paper. The students will be taught the structure of the research paper, how to develop their essays into research papers. They will be taught how to write a good abstract, introduction and conclusion, and how to cite previous academic works.
Course Code: SOS1205
Credits Hours: 2
Prerequisite Course: Talent Communication
Course Description: This course will offer a general mosaic survey of the linguistic, geographical, historical, social, religious, political, cultural, and artistic aspects of the Kurdish people, especially in Iraq. Moreover, the Kurdology is the study of all issues that relate to Kurdish people and Kurdish homeland: Kurdistan. Under topics of Kurdology we will study, the Kurdish language, race of Kurds, Kurdish dialects and their geographic distribution, the structure of the Kurdish society, religion of Kurds, the religious and tribal hierarchy of the Kurdish people, Kurdish political history, Emirates and Kurdish revolutions and political movements,Kurdish folklore, literature, Journalism and modern arts.
Course Code: EGH3215
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Academic English I
Course Description: This course is the peak of English track in which students gain the skills they need to communicate verbally and in writing on a professional level using common technical terminology and idioms from the engineering fields. Emphasis in the course is in productive language skills, i.e. writing and speaking on engineering topics using a formal/professional register.
Course Code: HUM3215
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Professional Communication
Course Description:This course is an introduction to fundamentals of conducting research. It will teach the students different research methodologies, research designs and parts of the research paper. The curriculum is sequential, helping the students to identify a study topics, formulate inquiry questions, organize a literature review, and select appropriate designs and methodologies. By the End of the course, students will complete a proposal that includes an introduction, problem statement (significance of study), literature review, methods section, references, and a project timeline. This work can be converted next year into a full research that will include the following sections: findings, discussion, conclusions, and references.
Course Code: HUM1300
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Academic English I
Course Description: This course involves key concepts and tools of debates, including collecting, organizing and evaluating ideas, seeing logical connections between ideas, describing the reflective thinking by giving examples in social and academic life. It deals mainly with logical argument, truths, fallacies, deductive and inductive reasoning in both an informal and formal context. It brings out the role of criticality and creativity in science, human communication and Innovations.
Course Code: CMP1300
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Pass Level 4
Course Description: This course is an introduction to Computer components and Microsoft Office Applications. It will teach the students different applications of Microsoft office as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. The course helps also the students to learn about computer components and different Operating Systems.

Elective of Humanities and Social Sciences

Course Code: SOS2315
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course:  Completing 60 CH or more
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description:

Deprtment Elective I

Course Code: SOS3320
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course:  Programming Concepts and Algorithms
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description: Python is a language with a simple syntax, and a powerful set of libraries. It is an interpreted language, with a rich programming environment. While it is easy for beginners to learn, it is widely used in many scientific areas for data exploration. The course is designed to introduce the Python programming language. The focus of the course is to provide students with an introduction to programming, I/O, and visualization using the Python programming language.

Deprtment Elective II

Course Code: SOS3320
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course:  Computer Communication and Network
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description: Cloud Computing has transformed the IT industry by opening the possibility for infinite or at least highly elastic scalability in the delivery of enterprise applications and software as a service (SaaS). The Cloud service offerings give mature software vendors and new start-ups the option to deploy their applications to systems of infinite computational power with practically no initial capital investment and with modest operating costs proportional to the actual use. The course examines the most important APIs used in the Amazon and Microsoft Cloud, including the techniques for building, deploying, and maintaining machine images and applications. It shows how to use Cloud as the infrastructure for existing and new services. Besides, the approach to deal with not trivial issues in the Cloud, such as load balancing, caching, distributed transactions, and identity and authorization management, will be discussed.

List of College Courses

Course Code: MTH2412
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: Calculus II
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description: Calculus III or Multivariable calculus: Linear approximation and Taylor theorems, Language multiples and constrained optimization, multiple integration and vector analysis including Green theorem.
Course Code: MTH1410
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: Talent Science
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description: Calculus provides the basic and essential tools for engineering to analyze and formalize the real world problems. Calculus-I involves functions, limits and continuity, introduction to derivatives, calculation of derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions; applications including curve sketching, related rates, and optimization, introduction to integrals.
Course Code: MTH1411
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: Calculus I
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description: This course is an introduction to sound patterns and pronunciation rules in language with particular reference to English.  The course is designed to enable students to describe, define and transcribe consonants and vowels of the English language. The aim of this course is to improve students’ phonetic competence.
Course Code: MTH2315
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Calculus II
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description: Many of principles underlying the behavior of the natural world are relations involving rates at which things happen. When expressed in mathematical terms the relations are equations and the rates are derivatives. Equations containing derivatives are differential equations, therefore, to understand and to investigate problems we need to study deferential equation. Differential equations for undergraduate students involves first order differential equations, second order linear equation, higher order linear equations, series solutions of linear equations , and Laplace transform. Linear algebra involves introduction to matrix and basic operation as well as methods for solving system of equations.
Course Code: MTH3330
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Calculus II
Corequisite Course:
Course Description: Calculus provides the basic and essential tools for engineering to analyze and formalize the real world problems. Calculus-I involves functions, limits and continuity, introduction to derivatives, calculation of derivatives of algebraic and trigonometric functions; applications including curve sketching, related rates, and optimization, introduction to integrals.
Course Code: ENC3310
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Proffesional communication
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description: Topics covered in this course include: Foundations of Engineering Economy, principles of economic equivalence, how time and interest affect money, nominal and effective interest rates, present worth analysis, annual worth analysis, rate of return analysis, benefit/cost analysis and public sector projects, breakeven and payback analysis, replacement decisions, and depreciation methods.
Course Code: CHM1410C
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: None
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description: This course is intended to provide students with a fundamental knowledge of the modern theory in general and inorganic chemistry. It covers many important topics, with emphasis on developing problem-solving skills as well as on concepts and theories. The course also covers topics that are essential background material to many disciplines in science and technology. These include: matter and energy, measurements and units, stoichiometry, chemical reaction, physical and chemical properties, gas laws, periodicity of elements, molecular structure and geometry, chemical bonding and thermo-chemistry.
Course Code: PHY1410C
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: Calculus I
Course Description: This course is one of the fundamental courses for engineering, who should be familiar with the basic natural science and its applications. In this course, students will learn the fundamental concepts of classical mechanics such as motion, work, energy, gravity, and fluids, and learn ow to solve mechanical and technical problem. Furthermore, students will receive practice in using simple models to describe systems through laboratory work. This course is carried out in 3 hours, two times per week and 3 hours laboratory, once a week
Course Code: PHY2411C
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: General Physics I
Corequisite Course: None
Course Description: This course will introduce the student to the basic language and ideas of physics that occur in all branches of science and technology such as basic concepts of electric and magnetic fields, including electrostatics, magneto statics. It provides the students with a clear and logical presentation of the basic concepts and principles of physics, and to strengthen their understanding through a broad range of interesting applications to the real world and understanding of the foundations provided by Maxwell equations.
Course Code: MTH3325
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Calculus II
Corequisite Course:
Course Description: This course provides the students with exposure to fundamentals of statistical methods and their applications, covering Introduction to Statistics descriptive and data analysis, Probability, Random Variables, and Discrete Probability Distributions, Continuous Probability Distributions, Simple Linear Regression and Correlation, Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Data Distributions, and Hypothesis Testing. After this course, the students will be able to understand and speak the basic language of statistics and select the right statistical method for his/her applications. Also, the course will provide the fundamental theoretical background that will allow the student to appreciate the strengths ad limitations of each method and formulate conclusions accordingly.

List of Department Courses

Course Code: ENG1200
Credits Hours: 2
Prerequisite Course: None
Course Description: Develops a real world, peer reviewed, team design project. Students review alternatives and present a schedule and cost estimate. Professional and ethical issues are discussed. Project is completed in Computer Engineering. Oral and written reports and a final team presentation are required.
Course Code: CPE2320
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: General Physics II
Course Description :Semiconductors, Materials and Junction Diode; Classification of Solids, Atomic Structure and Energy Levels, Conduction in Metals and Semiconductors, Semiconductor Diode,. Junction Diodes and Their Applications; Circuit Models of a p-n Junction Diode, DC Power Supply, Rectifier Circuits, Rectifier with Shunt Capacitor Filter, Rectifier with Zener Shunt Regulator, Photodiode, Light Emitting Diode (LED), Solar Cell. BJT, FET and MOSFET; Types, Models, Characteristics, Biasing and Circuits, Introduction to Small Signal Amplifiers and Frequency response.
Course Code: CPE2405C
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: Intro to Computer Engineering
Course Description: This course affords students a basic understanding to problem solving techniques and operations on data using the fundamental components of a programming language. fundamental components of a programming language including simple and structured data representation; mathematical and logical operations; input/ output, control and loop structures; functions; recursion; memory referencing; and simple file processing.
Course Code: CPE4365
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Microprocessors
Course Description: Introduction to Embedded Systems; Embedded Systems Hardware: Processors – Digital Signal Processors, Microcontrollers, PIC, MCS-51,52 , Special Purpose Processors, I/O devices, interfacing and control – Analog I/O, Digital I/O, Bus I/O, Serial and Network I/O, Memory, System Hardware Design Case Study; Embedded Systems Software : Introduction to Real Time Operating Systems, Device Drivers; Embedded Systems Application Design and Programming Environments : System Specification and Modeling, Programming, Performance Analysis and Optimization; Selected Application Case Studies from areas such as : Instrumentation and Signal Processing Systems, Control and Actuation Systems, Power Electronic Drive Systems etc; Embedded Systems Testing.
Course Code: CPE3450C
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: Computer Organization and Architecture

Course Description: Principles of layered network architecture: application layer protocols, transport layer services, network layer and routing, data link layer, and physical layer. Local area networks: IEEE standard 802 for LANs (Ethernet, Token Bus, Token Ring,), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), hubs, bridges, and switches, high speed LANs, satellite and wireless LANs. Circuit switching, packet switching, and message switching, Error detection, error correction, security in computer networks, multimedia networking, and performance modeling.

Course Code: CPE4390
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Software Engineering
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Search techniques, knowledge representation, game playing, predicate logic. Knowledge representation using rules, expert systems, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. Coverage of an AI-specific programming language and/or AI integrated software.
Course Code: CPE4355C
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Electronic Materials
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: Basic circuit elements and models; resistive circuits; circuit theorems; loop and nodal analysis of resistive networks; techniques of analysis of operational amplifiers; analysis of circuits with energy storage elements (capacitors and inductors); natural and step response of RL; RC; and RLC circuits
Course Code: CPE2410C
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: Computer Skills
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: This course provides a modern introduction to logic design and the basic building blocks used in digital systems, in particular digital computers. It starts with a discussion of combinational logic: logic gates, minimization techniques, arithmetic circuits, and modern logic devices such as field programmable logic gates. The second part of the course deals with sequential circuits: flip-flops, synthesis of sequential circuits, and case studies, including counters, registers, and random access memories. State machines will then be discussed and illustrated through case studies of more complex systems using programmable logic devices. Different representations including truth table, logic gate, timing diagram, switch representation, and state diagram will be discussed
Course Code: CPE2325
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Computer Logic Design
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: This is an introductory course in the basic elements and organization of computer hardware including logic elements and Boolean algebra, computer arithmetic, the central processing units, assembly language programming, input/output interface, memory structures, and operating systems. The goal of this course is to help you build a solid background and understanding of the above topics necessary for later computer science courses.
Course Code: CPE4385
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Software Engineering
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: Security is now a core requirement when creating systems and software. This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of computer security and applied cryptography. Topics include software vulnerability analysis, defense, and exploitation, reverse engineering, networking and wireless security, and applied cryptography. Students will also learn the fundamental methodology for how to design and analyze security critical systems.
Course Code: CPE4370C
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Software Engineering 
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: This course covers topics on the engineering of computer software and hardware systems: techniques for controlling complexity; strong modularity using client-server design, virtual memory, and threads; networks; atomicity and coordination of parallel activities; recovery and reliability; privacy, security, and encryption; and impact of computer systems on society. Case studies of working systems and readings from the current literature provide comparisons and contrasts. Two design projects are required, and students engage in extensive written communication exercises.
Course Code: CPE3340
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Object Oriented Programming
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the design and analysis of computer data structures and algorithms, focusing in particular on techniques for achieving high performance software in computer systems. Students will learn the necessary mathematical background to carry out algorithm analysis, such as time and space complexity, worst-case and average-case analysis, tractability & intractability, and design techniques. It discusses recursion and recurrence relations, asymptotic notations, basic data structures, dynamic dictionaries, balanced trees, priority queues, and graphs.
Course Code: CPE3330
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Programming Concept and Algorithms
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: This course covers fundamentals of database architecture, database management systems, and database systems. Principles and methodologies of database design, and techniques for database application development.
Course Code: CPE3355
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Computer org. and architecture
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: Principles of layered communication architecture: application layer protocols, transport layer services, network layer and routing, data link layer, and physical layer. Local area networks: IEEE standard 802 for LANs (Ethernet, Token Bus, Token Ring,), Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), hubs, bridges, and switches, high speed LANs, satellite and wireless LANs. Circuit switching, packet switching, and message switching, Error detection, error correction, security in computer networks, multimedia networking, and performance modeling.
Course Code: CPE3435C
Credits Hours: 4
Prerequisite Course: Computer Organization and Architecture
Corequisite Course: …
Course Description: The first goal of the course is to teach students the skills of assembly language programming in general and the HCS12 Motorola microcontroller in particular. The second goal of the course is to introduce and familiarize students with different architecture and hardware design in microcontrollers using HCS12 as a model. The course is accompanied by laboratory assignments throughout the semester.
Course Code: CPE2315
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Programming Concept and Algorithms
Corequisite Course:
Course Description: This course examines the reasons for the inherent complexity of software construction, and presents structured methods to deal effectively with it. The course will focus on the object-oriented approach for analysis and design. Students will gain an appreciation of the difference between writing programs and doing analysis and design. Problem formulation and decomposition (analysis) and solution building (design) will be covered. Students will work in small groups, each group having the responsibility for analysis, design and implementation of a software system. Case tools will be used in several stages of the development process
Course Code: CPE4360
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Computer Organization and Architecture
Corequisite Course:
Course Description: This course examines the reasons for the inherent complexity of software construction, and presents structured methods to deal effectively with it. The course will focus on the object-oriented approach for analysis and design. Students will gain an appreciation of the difference between writing programs and doing analysis and design. Problem formulation and decomposition (analysis) and solution building (design) will be covered. Students will work in small groups, each group having the responsibility for analysis, design and implementation of a software system. Case tools will be used in several stages of the development process
Course Code: CPE4496
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Department Approval
Course Description: This course gives the students the chance to demonstrate their intellectual, technical and creative abilities through developing a project in one of information technology fields. The Graduation Project challenges students to go beyond the learning that occurs as the result of their prescribed educational program. Students shall complete their projects in areas of concentrated study under the direction and supervision of faculty members. The projects will demonstrate the students’ ability to: apply, analyze, synthesize, evaluate information, and communicate significant knowledge and comprehension.
Course Code: CPE4375
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Computer Communication and Network
Course Description: The primary objective of this course is to give students an understanding of how to design, manage and secure computer networks and systems. It further examines how network managers and security engineers can strategically use different techniques to capture, collect and analyze network and system data to create a competitive advantage. Besides that, the course describes how to develop a network model using analysis and simulation, design a new network model to meet requirements for new and existing networks, and making decisions on the proper network technologies, routing protocols, network topologies, node placement, etc.
Course Code: CPE3345
Credits Hours: 3
Prerequisite Course: Fundamentals of Database Systems
Corequisite Course:
Course Description: This course provides a general introduction to software engineering. It introduces concepts such as software processes and agile methods, and essential software development activities, from initial specification through to system maintenance. Formalisms and tools to assist in software development are also presented, including common design patterns and UML notation. There is a focus on software testing, from unit testing to the testing of software releases. Project management and professional software engineering practice will also be covered. Case studies provide practical examples for many of these concepts.