

With the advancement of technology and the enhancement of techniques and approaches in recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) is regarded as one of the primary and most popular technologies in the industry. The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing industries by enabling automated data exchange, monitoring, and control.

A Smart Prison Management System is being developed to address the challenges of traditional prison systems. The research focuses on designing a sophisticated IoT mechanism to improve safety, security, and resource optimization in prisons in the Kurdistan region. The system will integrate AI and RFID tracking to address risks like prisoner escapes and health monitoring. This will save lives and improve prison management, bringing correctional targets closer to modern technology, making it a secure and efficient prison model.

Table of Contents
List of Figures.
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Motivation for Choosing the Topic..
1.3 Aims and Objectives of this Project….
1.4 Academic Learning Outcome……..
1.5 Differences Between this Project and Others…
Chapter Two: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Background Information on the Topic.
2.3 Related Work…
Chapter Three: Design and Implementation.
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Data Set.
3.3 Software Implementation.
3.3.1 Implemented Programming Language
3.3.2 Package Libraries
3.3.3 Implemented AI Algorithm
3.3.4 Visual Studio Code 2022.
3.3.5 Arduino.
3.4 Proposed Architecture.
3.5 System Flow Chart..
3.6 Interface Design………
Chapter Four: Hardware Design and Implementation.
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Circuit Design
4.3 Hardware Implementation..
4.3.1 RFID Door Unlocking System
4.3.2 LED Welcome Sign….
4.3.3 Smart Parking System with Sensors and Servo Motors
4.3.4 Fence with Laser Technology……….
4.3.5 Face Detection Door Lock with Arduino
4.3.6 Smart Lighting System.
4.3.7 Smart Trash Cans with Object Detection.
4.3.8 Gas Detection System………..
4.3.9 Smart Faucets
4.3.10 Health Monitoring and Location Bracelet.
4.4 Architecture of the Integration
4.4.1 Notifications via Telegram Bot
4.4.2 User Interaction
4.4.3 Real-World Scenarios..
Chapter Five: Results.
5.1 Results.
Chapter Six: Conclusion and Recommendations.
6.1 Conclusion…
6.2 Faced Challenges and Problems…
6.3 Recommendations