Komar Data Center (KDC) Workshop
The “Computer Science and Engineering” departments organized a workshop on 1st December 2020 to introduce the Komar Data Center (KDC) project and explain the E-Library and physical library as one automation part of the KUST management system. This workshop started with Dr. Fryad Rashid’s speech. He talked about the necessity of implementing KDC to facilitate the transactions carried out between different departments and sections of KUST. KDC project will remove all the manual transactions, improve the security, and speed up the documentation procedure. He, also, explained the techniques which the user can use to find the latest book and papers from different resources.
In the next part, Dr. Osman Sharif made an overview of the necessity of having an E-library and the advantages and disadvantages of relying on only a physical library. He mentioned that although we cannot ignore using the physical library, we can improve the process of borrowing and searching system by automating all transactions. Besides that, by using the E-Library wide range of students can access more resources and benefit from the library facilities, simultaneously. On the other hand, faculty members can access the most up-to-date references and also can track the students’ activities in terms of search and borrowing/downloading the references. The workshop ended with the practical part in which Dr. Osman Sharif gave a training session on how to use both physical library and E-library in order to search, borrow, return, and tracking students’ activities based on the different roles of the users.