Department Meeting of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
The department meeting was held to discuss the university and department policy and changes for the Spring Semester (2019/2020). In this meeting, Dr. Fryad officially entitled as the “Chairman of Computer Engineering Department”. The department meeting goaled to discuss the materials and changes for the Spring Semester. The agenda of the meeting was as follows:
- Syllabus: According to the new university policy, the final exams will be out of 30% for all the College and Departmental Courses except University courses that may go for 40%. The rest of the mark as pre-final (70%/ 60%) will go for the Continuous Assessment.
- Practical Session: As the KUST follows the student-centered approach, form the Spring Semester, all classes must have practical sessions. Therefore, there is no more Lab title separately in any course, and all lab activities are included in the class sessions.
- Course Project: The students need to engage more efficiently to the subjects through the course projects defined by lecturers.
- Alternative of midterm exam: Started from Spring Semester (2019/2020), there is no mid-term exam, and consequently, there is no specific week as mid-term exam week. Therefore, that week needs to be counted as study week during designing the syllabus. However, to compensate for the mid-term grade, the lecturers require to replace this exam with tests (the committee suggested two tests) or quizzes.
- Scientific Activity and seminars: The lecturers will present the high trend topic and students are advised to take participate in these academic activities to improve their knowledge about different topics.
- University Day: This semester the university day will be held in April. Therefore, Dr. Osman asked the lecturers to provide and form the teams to deliver any academic /non-academic activities in the form of different groups.